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A nutritional alternative to white bread is whole wheat bread. Just by choosing whole wheat bread instead of white bread, the sandwich becomes that more nutritious. Whole wheat bread contains more nutrients because it is made from grains that have not been as processed. To get white flour which makes white bread, grains go through a bleaching or whitening process. In this process, nutrients are lost. The bran and germ are removed from the wheat to get the white four that is used to make white bread. Whole wheat bread means that the bran and germ remain.Whole bread are more nutritious because they have
- Fiber - fiber regulates the digestive system, lowers cholesterol and may reduce your risk of heart disease. Fiber also keeps you feeling full until your next meal or healthy snack.
- Vitamin B - this is important for a healthy metabolism. Metabolism is how the body access and use the energy from other foods that you eat. Vitamin B is contained in the bran and germ.
- Iron - carries oxygen in the blood that circulates the body. They partly give blood it's red color.
- Protein - Like fiber, it also keeps you feeling full. It also plays a part in building muscles, skin and bones.
I'm getting hungry just writing this.
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